Thursday, October 9, 2014

India Pakistan Conflicts and their solution

India and Pakistan are fighting with each other from the day after their independence. The main issue of conflict between them is Jammu and Kashmir. People in both countries wants to live with each other in peace and harmony but political people are raising this issue to disrupt their normal life.
Although if both countries talk in responsible manner than there would come a solution.

Why Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India
According to history, the king of Jammu and Kashmir signed a pact with India to include it in the state of India as too many other independent states already done with this country. But the prime minister of India has given a special power to this state for avoiding discrimination with this state. Since Jammu and Kashmir is a part of India from the beginning therefore there is no right of other countries to interfere in its integrity with Indian state. India proved itself as a responsible and growing coutnry while Pakistan is going in debts after spending its most money on defense.

Why Pakistan should not raise the issue of Jammu and Kashmir?
Since Jammu and Kashmir is legally an integral part of India but Pakistan is demanding for this state due to its muslim population. It never fits their demand because there are too much muslim population in all over India then how Pakistan can ask for a state that has a huge muslim population. Although Pakistan is regularly sending their people in the state of jammu and kashmir to tell people about their religion and their integrity with Pakistan (Since Pakistan was formed as a demand of making a separate nation for Muslims).

Nuisance of Pakistan with India
Pakistan send terrorists to different corners of India to keep it agitated.
Pakistan fires on LOC and border areas and reports in UN that India is making attack on them.
Pakistan keeps its talk on with India and at the same time continues its attack on border.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What we can do to save our environment?

We can fulfil our responsibility towards our environment by following various ways:

# Plant too many trees by making it an ambition to plant at least one tree each year.
# Save water by stopping its wastage.
# Check your vehicle regularly for keeping it pollution free.
# Minimize usage of plastic bags.
# Reduce sound pollution.
# Keep your neighbourhood clean.

Environmental Issue ~ Our Responsibility

We are living in this world. We are paying for everything except air. It means that there is our responsibility towards making an environment that will not only serve us but also will serve our future generations. If we forget about considering this issue, we and our generations will suffer with it.

Reforming This World ~ The way it should be

I started this blog to write about social awareness and social reforms we need around us. Through this blog I want to spread my words with this world about awaring them on most common issues happening around us and our responsibilities to resolve them. I will not only discuss but also share my ideas, views and want to see  a little change that I can bring with my effort.